Eric’s 61st Birthday

Howdy Folks!

It’s that time of year again. Time to take a moment to remember Eric on his 61st Birthday. Happy belated birthday to all of you, that have had your birthday already this year. And if not, Happy birthday early to you. I hope all is well with you all. 

If Eric were here on his 61st birthday today, we’d probably have a day full of fun, laughter, dinner and cocktails. He’d probably call most of you to say hi and make you laugh on his birthday. You all know how funny and thoughtful he was. 

I was looking at old videos and I found one of he and I from 2010 singing happy birthday. It seems appropriate to share it with you. We even put our own spin on the song. You all know, Eric could tell good stories and make the stories so funny. I found some videos of him telling me stories of his past to make me laugh and of course, he succeeded. Even with him not physically here anymore, he can still make me laugh. And now I will share these videos with you, with hopes it makes you laugh and make you remember how fun and funny Eric was. 

Enjoy the rest of the summer and take care of you and yours and love them hard.

Without further ado, click on the video below to see and hear funny Eric.