Dream experts say, we have many dreams during our nightly hours of sleep.  I’m not one that dreams; or should I say, I never remember my dreams.  Once Eric transitioned to the Lord, I often included in my prayer wishes, how I wish Boo would come to me in my dreams, and with the help of the Lord, I’d remember the dream.  On this particular night, not sure how many dreams I had; but it appears, that prayer was answered.  I remembered a dream and guess who was in it?

This is what I remembered of my dream:

I rose up halfway from laying in the bed and leaned on my right arm; of which now, my arm was in an “L” shape. We called each other Boo. I could see Boo standing right beside my bed and Boo said to me, “Boo, do you remember when me, you and Jae went fishing in the back”?  I replied, “yes Boo, I remember all the times we were in the back fishing; I even filmed some of them”.  He kissed me on my forehead and I immediately laid back down and went back to sleep.

When I finally awakened that morning, I immediately replayed the part of the dream I remembered in my mind. I was ecstatic! I yelled out, “Finally Boo, you came to me in my dreams and I remembered the dream this time. Oh Lord, thank you. I remembered what you said and I remembered you kissed me on my forehead. OMG Boo, were you here? Was your spirit here because it seemed so real?  I could see you. You had on your favorite football jersey #10, that your nephew gave you and slacks. I could see you so vividly”.

I laid back down, started laughing at my dream and before long I was crying gut wrenching tears because I missed him so much.  I can still see and feel that dream as if it happened today.  For the rest of that day, in the event Boo could hear me, I’d repeatedly say out loud, “I hope and pray your spirit is around me. Please continue to give me signs if you are. I just want to know, Boo, was that you”?

As Eric’s birthday, August 24th was getting closer, I began wondering what I would post on his website for his birthday this year?  When it’s time to create a posting for Eric’s website, I do lots of research with the pictures, videos, letters and memories he’s left me with.   Every 11th of every month, it seems something out of the ordinary happens to me; Eric transitioned on the 11th.

On June 11, 2017, after I had the dream with Boo in it, Google emailed this to me, “This is what happened on this date.” I opened the email and it was a video I made of Eric and my sister I made June 11, 2012. He was teaching her how to fish in the back. The “back” is the very private section of Wolf Lake; one of our favorite places. It made me refer back to the first dream I had with Eric in it, since his transition. I immediately took that as a sign from Eric; that he wanted me to post that video. It was so crazy receiving that email from Google; sort of out of bounds; it’s the only time so far, that Google has ever sent me that kind of email. I was amazed Google selected that video! WTH?

I decided I would post that video for Boo’s birthday; how could I not.  Mediums say, “if we’re open to receiving the “signs and symbols” from our love ones that have transitioned to the Lord, they will come shining through with messages” and I am soooo opened to receiving! I began happily, working on his birthday posting, for his website. After all, it was a sign from Boo and it made me so intoxicated!

Without further ado, here’s Eric…