The video posted today is ON DEMAND requested by Eric.  

It’s been 6 months since my Boo passed onto the Lord.  I truly miss him still so much daily. This month my 102 year old grandmother; Eric’s girlfriend passed onto the Lord also. Now they’re in heaven together and I have another Saint watching over me.

Last Saturday, May 16, 2015, was my grandma’s funeral. After attending the Repast, on my way home I had to pull off the expressway to throw my guts up. I ate something that didn’t agree with me. The vomiting continued for days and on the 4th day I went to the ER. I was diagnosed with gastritis and given medicine to stop the vomiting. It took another 2 days for the vomiting to totally stop but I still couldn’t eat without getting nausea. Through research I found healthier alternatives to help me heal. 

On the 7th night Saturday night, while falling asleep in bed I got a really strong scent of Eric all of a sudden. It was so strong I jumped out of bed attempting to follow his scent but it was gone. I got back in bed, disappointed and finally fell asleep. I have to say I had one of the most restless sleeps I’ve had in weeks.  I felt as if I were tossing and turning all night. Either Boo’s spirit is truly with me or he was in my dreams. Which ever it was it was so surreal.

Boo was disappointed I hadn’t posted this month’s video of him. He knew I had been vomiting but felt I was well enough to work on him. He asked me to get out of bed right then and finish it. We went back and forth about it. I asked him if I could finish it when I woke up and I’d post it either Sunday or Monday. He made me promise that I would. I could hear myself say, “Okay, Baby I promise” and I immediately woke up and felt as if I had NOT been to sleep at all. I went to sleep at 11pm and awakened at 7am and yet I was so tired but I couldn’t get his presence nor my promise to him out of my mind. So I got up and went to work.

I’m so happy I finished his movie as I promised and evidently he likes his movies too. This video is based on one of our many funny conversations. The video will make him laugh as I hope it makes you laugh too. I know he’s smiling down on us. Enjoy!