Thanks for dropping in for another goodie from Eric.

If you knew Eric you know he loved music and you probably know some of his favorite artists and groups.  If you’ve ever heard him sing then you probably feel as many do; the man could blow and could give many famous artists a run for their money.

One year for Eric’s birthday some of his friends from Atlanta and Little Rock came to Chicago so we could all go to a concert; one of Eric’s favorite artists’ would be performing. I will never forget that evening because we had so much fun. One of the best things about the concert beside the artists were the seats; on the 1st floor only a few rows from the stage. How awesome was that right? It was freakin awesome let me tell you! It was Eric’s birthday, one of his favorite artists performing and the best seats you could ask for; AWESOME!

Once everyone had their beverage of choice and were seated the concert began. The two opening acts were good crowd warmers but nothing like the main attraction. Finally, Eric’s favorite artist was before his eyes. And yes he’d seen the artist before but he never had such great seats. I think it lasted only one song before Eric was out of his seat and demanding everyone in our reach, get their butts up and rock to the music. He chanted, “What’s wrong with you people? Get your butts up it’s a party”.

I’d say within five minutes everyone was up; including the folks across the aisle near us. Everyone was singing, dancing and Eric was so charged up from the music he started dancing up and down the aisle from our seating area to the stage. Eric made the energy in the room so much more awesome. Everyone in the concert hall were out of their seats enjoying the concert as we were. About the 5th time Eric made it up to the stage I noticed he was speaking with someone on stage at the edge of the stage. When Eric made it back he said, “The guy on the stage asked if he was trying to get on stage? “ Eric replied, “no way man I can’t stop dancing that’s all” and dude gave him a high five. That charged him and us up even more.

During intermission strangers were offering to buy Eric drinks because he was helping them have so much fun. We couldn’t stop singing, dancing, laughing and loving it all. At the end of the concert everyone partying with us were all telling Eric how much more fun he made the concert for them. Many of them stated they’d never stood up and danced through an entire concert before and how much fun they had because of his entertaining self. One lady had her gym shoes in her purse. She put them on and partied right along with us. Fun was had by all that night!

Now, without further adieu, checkout Eric singing karaoke comically with his favorite artist; the main attraction that night at the concert.