When I pray to God I’ve always included special requests in my prayers as everyone does. But since Eric has been gone from us, my requests have changed. One of my request now is, if God can please help me remember my dreams, especially when Eric drops in.

Its rare when I remember any of my dreams; even though research shows we all dream most of the time we’re asleep. Do you remember your dreams?  Some people remember; and many people don’t.  I happen to be one of those who rarely remember dreams. But the other morning things changed.

OMG I couldn’t believe it; I remembered part of the dream and Eric was in it. I sat straight up and immediately grabbed my pen and tablet and immediately began writing down what I remembered and I want to share it with you now.

In my dream I remember asking Eric if he’s with me everyday?  He replied, “Yes, I’m with you, Erica and them, my Momma and Dad, Karen and them, and DJ everyday and my Frat. I check up on everybody else regularly. He also said he could be in more than one place at a time. Now that’s shocking.

He also added, “when I see the bus inflated he’s here, when it’s deflated he’s gone for a minute. I have yet to see an inflated or deflated bus anywhere. I have no idea what that means. But that surely is my Sweetheart. When he wanted to teach me something, sometime he would just yell out a word or a phrase; no explanation and as far as I was concerned at that moment, no rhyme or reason for it.

The word or phrase of course would stay with me until I discovered what it meant. For example, Eric once yelled out, “a hit dog will holler”.  I look around to see if he was speaking to someone else but no one else was there. “A hit dog will holler”? What in world does that mean?” He said, ” figure it out”. Huh?? Did he mean that literally or metaphorically? What? I had no clue.

“A hit dog will holler” stayed with me for about 2 weeks.  It seemed Eric only used it when we were watching politics. It finally dawned on me what it meant. Yippie!!  “A hit dog will holler” means, when someone gets in trouble, if they’re guilty they will rant and rave and holler like a dog; like politicians do. When they’re not guilty they don’t holler. “Congratulations! You figured it out”, he yelled out and gave me a high five!

The day I remembered Eric in my dream, I felt so unusually good the entire day. And because I don’t know how most people feel about spirits and what happens after death, I’ve been really apprehensive about sharing my dream; however, because of everyone who was included in Eric’s message, I feel you all deserve to know he’s still with us in spirit.  With that in mind, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do; you never know when Eric could be looking  🙄

Here’s another message from Eric: